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izatga88's Recent Entries

Slow Weekend

by izatga88

I'm still looking into more job stuff - it seems like one annoying complication after another pops up to throw a roadblock at me.....for the moment, I don't think getting back & listening to the files will help me so much on the job front.

Also, as a bit of a lazy update to my PMs I'm able to read again, I should point out that I've been slowly undoing a few things now that I can edit stuff with my PC again. I've gone over files and older journal entries, and it REALLY shocks me as to how powerful all of this is - the orgasm stuff and a weird latent obsession with sex stuff is still hanging around. I'm trying to "clean up" the way I talk - the fact that I can say "chest" instead of "tits" and other more graphic terms is some sort of proof that things have toned down I guess.

Ultimately, I'm in a fairly dangerous position for the moment since I don't want to dumb myself down right now, yet there are things that still instantly drop me to my knees if I ~hear~ someone say a few certain things - a good example being "bimbo". ~I~ can say it or I can read it as much as I like, but my pussy goes into overdrive if I hear someone else speak it. I can zone out & trance at the snap of a finger - any combination of words that randomly cause me to recall a line from one of the files usually blanks me out for a moment while I think about it - I cant see to stop or control whether it happens or not. The scariest thing of all is that I've actually noticed a slight drop in the correctness of my spelling and a few issues typing stuff up.....could my IQ still be affected?


- nativedragon

it's possible IZ just stay away from the IQ draining files and just go with more of the fantasy time limited files that way you should be able to have fune but not go through this stuff agian :)

- ztshp

Native spell words correctly ~the spelling nazi

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