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izatga88's Recent Entries

No News is Good News....?

by izatga88

Hello ~ not much going on since my comment on the 25th. I'd been doing a bunch of work from my PC & have been keeping busy this last week. I've been rather calm & quiet since I last listened to my files and went to town on myself (still having the odd "blonde moment" here & there). There has not been any raging desires to jump anyone lately, yet at the same time, I'm a little concerned since I haven't really been feeling ~anything~ since then either (though it might just be because I was concentrating on other stuff).

Otherwise, nothing really new to add, sorry for the boring update! ._.


- mutatedbunnyboy

It seems you're becoming reliant on the files to get off, since your contact with men is non existent. Still good to hear from you, I'm sure you'll be fine.

- hexagon77

Hope things will soon sort out, so that your ability to feel normally returns.

- Plaat

Sort of how I feel regarding files and getting off, I too wish for a real partner though, but I actually turned a drunk girl down after a party. So I'm no slut or bimbo

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