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Yay....another new side effect.... >_>

by izatga88

Thanks Zap - if anything's been keeping me hooked, it's probably ~your~ files. I'd still be both terrified to death/infinitely excited (sexually) if you were to make a bimbo file similar to Silvia Black's (but for girls) ~ eeheeheehee{evil laughter} (Seriously consider not listening to that....or do? O_O )

Soooo.....been busy this week, I actually have a bit of money saved in the bank again thanks to a couple 1-day gigs throughout the week (bland tech support kind of stuff). I've been using the evenings to try and isolate a lot of my suggestions down to triggers and such. So far as I can tell, I've got everything set so that stuff ~only~ kicks in when I'm turned on. It's been working great & my orgasms rock these days (I'm even amazed at myself for how long I can keep going now too). If anything, I feel refreshed from it, if not a bit powerful/proud of myself for being able to really get into it (even if it's not exactly "me" that's having the sex or playing around).

With the extra clarity & time to study all this over.....I've come to the semi-depressing conclusion that my smarts and personality have in fact been permanently effected.....either that, or stuff isn't actually as isolated as I believe it to be? I say that since I've been noticing that my general coordination has been a little off, plus the quality of my writing (even though I do it constantly) has dropped significantly. I've been going over some papers I've written - I understand them perfectly now (unlike in previous months), yet they sound like an entirely different person has written them.....I just don't ~feel~ as smart as I used to.

The current issue I'm trying to figure out is whether or not I'm getting turned on because of stuff I've loaded into my head. I ~think~ I've managed to phase out the "pink" thing (I mean gawd, pink is like EVERYWHERE), but I'm still not 100% sure on that one. Otherwise, I completely lose my mind/sanity once I actually am turned on.....it's also a little hard to "shut off" too.

.....which brings me to the side effect I noted in the title. I'm currently in the middle of a relaxing evening with the house all to myself. I managed to "have some fun" with some porn going in the background, but I got interrupted a bit before I orgasmed. Instead of "shutting off", it feels like I'm being strung out and fatigued, yet my head's still in a daze and I'm dying for a bit of cock.....but my body is saying I came close enough and it doesn't have the will to do anything more......so I feel like a bit of a "zombie" at the moment (lol, for lack of a better word). Technically I feel normal right now, but I can tell something is still weird - saying "tits" is a fair indicator too, because I cant resist the compulsion to call my tits "tits" whenever I'm my bimbo'd-up & slutty self.

Anyways, Halloween.....darn it.....I didn't think about it until now (I was just going to wish everyone happy holidays), but the temptation of a slutty costume in the coming week might throw me off a bit from all this progress......ugh....good night everyone.....


- mutatedbunnyboy

I hope you go for the halloween costume because I know you can rock it ;D I'm glad you've explored your sexual side and come out the other end (at least in some respects) feeling better for it. Thank you for sharing this adventure

- Guuliar

I wouldn't say your dumbed down, you've just discovered a different part of your brain and it's been quite awhile since you started to loose yourself. You're a very different person now and you think differently. Conclusions you came to before and now are different given similar variables.

- izatga88

RW sent an interesting message suggesting it might just be a matter of me being rusty too.

More than likely, it's a combination of everything - not having a reason to think for myself over the course of multiple months, being a different person now and approaching things in different ways....I've already tried to write something new based off of something I put out a while back, and the entire experience is just wildly different than it used to be when studying up & writing a paper. I guess now that I put some more thought into it, it feels like it is a matter of coming out of all this as a changed person that thinks differently....with the slight detail of said person having previously wiping her mind & living as a bimbo.

- Plaat

If you think of your brain as a muscle, I think yo need to build it up over time after not using it of half a year. Work our your brain!

- zapnosis

Also maybe now you have more time for things other than work, so you aren't so totally focused on it. Personally, I'd say that's a good thing. BTW it always surprises me how well "the pink thing" works, I hear from several sluts how they love to deliberately leave pink stuff around to trigger themselves and suchlike. But it very nearly didn't make the final edit of the file!

- izatga88

Well that's certainly an interesting bit of trivia. I'd argue that if there's been anything that's stuck to me the most, it was probably the suggestion about the pink stuff.....so far as I'm aware. XD

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