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SUBject #001 Entry # 4 "A step Closer"

by WME3

Sunday 21st, 2012 10:37pm It never ceases to amaze me at how little experience is actually required to perform hypnosis. As long as you are consistent with your content, even if it sometimes turns into ramblings, the power attuned to words is amazing. "Words have both the power to destroy and heal." It always makes me wonder why the human mind would allow itself to become hypnotized. Perhaps its possible that it is an outlet for the human mind to open itself through; meditation uses the same process. The only difference being is that it is knowledgeable consent to allow yourself to go this, something of which that I do not believe has been observed in the wild before. I mean it must be possible, originally. As all life on the earth started from a small group of cells, perhaps other creatures experience the phenomenon, meditation or a sense of stasis. (I believe it has been recorded before) But suppose it is only possible with a conscious mind, how long till we prove its not just us who can experience this? Onto the subject. She was wanting and waiting for this to happen. After a quick induction, I took her through a brief explanation of the benefits of pleasure, and how it leads to greater self-esteem and state of being. By doing this, I trained her to experience overwhelming arousal when the word pleasure is mentioned. A nice little trigger to tack onto my other one. Progress on discipline has come much further. After filtering her through another masturbation session, I paused and took advantage of this time to reassure my control over her as my pet. I loaded her with suggestions that make it so that it feels awkward to touch herself without my say so. I have taught her to call me by title, rather than first name, and would do so for my best wishes. While in trance of course. Take these things in time I say, why rush it? She may start resisting too early. I'm hoping to be able to get her to admit it in public, but not before a week of training and a collar for her. A symbol will help reinforce everything I have taught her so far, and as previously mentioned by her, she willingly accepts the notion of wearing it and becoming a Submissive slave to the owner. There are signs of dependency starting to emerge outside of trance. Outside of these sessions she is actually a sexual deviant, actively pursuing others. I hope in future sessions I can ween her off that habit. Such a behavioral change shouldn't be too bad for her. In fact, considering she gets bombarded with useless conversation from it, I think she'll benefit the most from my future suggestions. All that needs doing now is to instill amnesia through sessions, and condition her to only listen to me, and I will have a very obedient slave that by day swings both ways, and by night is the dog!


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