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WME3's Recent Entries

SUBject #001 Entry #7

by WME3

Tuesday October 30th, 2012 11:50pm In light of Hurricane Sandy, I was surprised to see my subject still online and awaiting my arrival. On top of this, the subject has fabricated her own collar out of pop tabs from monster drinks. How flattering; now I can use bondage triggers more effectively. She currently is currently at that part of the menstrual cycle where she is now livid with everyone she is around. She is completely prone to mood swings and will be trouble to myself and others. Or so I thought. Getting her to talk to me was just like any other day; I was able to not only hold a pleasing conversation, the subject openly admitted to enjoying my presence over the presence of ANY other males. Simply disgusting her. Interesting. I would have to say that means I am far enough in where I've left an impression that will not go away. she showed no signs during the points leading up to induction of even acting moody or aggressive, but I did learn a few things that may help in amnesia triggers; She has ADD/ADHD: Through the help of another that she lived with, I witnessed first hand as the other had successfully dislodged the subject's thoughts through a simple flick of a power switch. The flicker of lights sent her off, and all focus was lost to her. I will take advantage of this or at least experiment to see if this will actually help with amnesic suggestions. Followed by conditioning stimuli (i.e. The Collar) in order to reinforce more bondage. I was also very close to experimenting with pee play; I told her that if she doesn't get my permission after using polite manners (call me master) she would not be able to go to the bathroom. I was close to turning this into a bed wetting experience, but then I backed out on it: not yet. There is still time, get the collar working and build from there. So far I would say that after putting her down to sleep I realized that I too am tired. Hopefully the teasing relieved some stress upon urination, but I'll find out later. I need sleep myself, I can't keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds.


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