I know there have been times in the past where I've said that I think I'm back to normal, but then something/someone goes and proves me wrong. This time, I KNOW I have everything nice & fixed. Since posting my last entry, I've been keeping extensive notes/observations on my condition, and I've confirmed some more stuff.
First of all, I feel like I've got a perfect balance of my old hardcore-smartypants self and my new openly-sexual side. I'm able to jump back in and work as efficiently as I used to, but still have fun going wild when it comes to pleasure and other fun/sexy things ~
With a bit of new suggestions and slight modification of old ones, even seeing pink or some other odd occurrence doesn't turn me into a mindless slut anymore - I/other people can be talking or doing something "suggestive", and I only get a bit of a ~buzz~ from it like any normal girl again. The bimbo programming ONLY comes out now when I REALLY get into something sexual (instead of for tiny random stuff)......no more accidental cock-shots from a popup ad taking my afternoon from me! XD
The only thing I need to make sure of at this point is to have a nice relaxing hypnosis session every-other-week to refresh everything. I don't know why exactly, but the bimbo suggestions start taking over if I ~don't~ take some time out to refresh them. Otherwise, everything works as I want it to~! I'm looking forward to the coming year since I'll actually be able to remember stuff now and not have giant holes in my memory from when I had a "bimbo episode". I've even exposed myself to some of my old triggers to make sure they don't have any effect on me anymore, and I'm 100% free and clear!
Since I've got everything worked out now, I think I might want to try getting a friend going with something (for some laughs) and see if I can fiddle around in their brain a bit - either that, or try to trigger the bimbo suggestions I've already got and see how much different a journal post would be from that state of mind now (it would have to be when everyone is out though, since I'd be de-clothed in front of my PC). I might even try to learn a language while trancing/sleeping since I can pretty much pass out now at the snap of someone's fingers ~ lol.