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Bonnie's Recent Entries

Never Again

by Bonnie

I go to the doctor today and its at the point of never ever being a male, yes I have reached the point of no return. But my mind has been female well over a year now andIM so happy now that I can say I have correted what nature made wrong. Everthing is going so right for me. IM a very happy person and so glad that I took the steps to become Bonnie.


- jodysub

Good for you, I am so happy for you. Take care sweetheart. Hugs Kim Lynn

- ericksll

Its not to late until you have your dick removes and all chopped up. That is the point of no return!!! Make sure you know what you want before you do it. The grass is not always greener on the other side. It still has shit laying on it that may just be from a different animal.

- bored_teen

your change has been a thing of interest for me, hence commenting on the entry. It's cool that u have found happiness in your self

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