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Yup, it's working...

by izatga88

I've been making a ~huuuuge~ effort to make sure that I don't start messing up my working and generally screw up my immediate life some more. So far, everything seems mostly normal, but I have in fact noticed a slight decrease in my writing/typing ability again.

Honestly, I'm floored at the moment by everything that's going on. Previously, I'd used to only get horny and start running around giggling at everything in hope that some random passerby liked what they saw and were interested in bending me over. That's not exactly what I'm feeling right now. Sure, I get the giggles after I run a session of conditioning on myself, but that eventually wears off for now as each day drags on. What's noticeably getting to me is the addiction to playing with my tits non-stop. SERIOUSLY! I can't keep my hands off of them! This past year, I could play & rub at them enough that they'd hurt & make me stop, but even THAT isn't happening now.....they're just so round and bouncy and soft....I cant stop.....

It's also making my other new "problem" worse. The "Sex Obsessed Bimbo" file is really hitting me hard on the sex-obsessed part. Even once my mind clears later in the day and I cease giggling, I cant stop myself from bending over on habit & wanting someone to start pounding at me from behind. I can get as much to drink as I want, but I cant get this thirst out of my mouth for trying to cram as much cock down my throat and swallow everything. The scariest part to all this - the feeling isn't going away. I've not only been turned on for the last 3 or 4 whole days straight, but it seems like I get even MORE hot & wanting sex the more I cum & orgasm. I don't even think I have any sense of embarrassment anymore - I'd awoke late this morning because I was too busy fondling myself all morning. I usually wait for myself to be alone in the house or for everyone to be asleep, but.....I don't care anymore......I realise that I seriously only give a shit about when I'm finally going to take time out from work & chores to fuck myself at this point. .....interesting side effect: I cannot stop thinking about posting either. "Oh wow, I came again! Better go log it!" (<_<)

So now that my pussy is leaking everywhere and I've been bouncing my tits back and forth, I'm going to go finally finish the job and hope I can just pass out from staying up all night screwing with my body.....I seriously question whether or not I'll even wear out over the next few hours.......this weekend is going to be a rough one......


- izatga88

Ugh....FINALLY tired myself out....I really need a shower.

- Big_Mamba

Maybe this is the file you are looking for ? Curse Day Workaholic/Night Slut It's by emg and will make room in your life for both being high in your career and then at night getting laid

- darkenedav

yep the sooner you get some decent sized dildos and or sex buddy the better :P

- izatga88

Holy freaking shit.....I only now just woke up. I'm actually kind of freaking out - I have no idea what's going on or where everyone is. I must have "slept" straight through the entire day.

I DL'd the suggestion, thanks - it definitely looks interesting.

I need to get my head sorted out, then I'll probably wind up posting something as early as tomorrow morning.

- Big_Mamba

Ecstasy can be quite exhausting at times ;)

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