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izatga88's Recent Entries

Veeery Interesting

by izatga88

Not much going on for now.....I'm still horny as all hell, but I seem to have regained enough control of myself to function all smart and serious.

I've been poking around some of the "blogs" associated with Bimbo Candy - it's amazing to see a lot of other people thinking the same way about all this as me. This one particular article actually maps out about everything on my mind right now:

I'm swinging back and forth like a pendulum with my mood - I'm smart and able to speed through my work one moment, but then I'm questioning whether or not I care about actually being productive in the next. If I was to just give up any of my fantasies & such, I'm actually very happy with my body as it currently is.....there's that nagging voice in the back of my mind though that wants long platinum blonde hair & D-something sized boobs that I can't seem to ignore. Someone seriously needs to start offering some kind of service where us willing girls can get any cosmetic stuff completely paid for in exchange for devoting ourselves 24/7 to our lucky man.


Oh right, ha~ha~
I was also going to mention......with the new files, other sources of info, and just recent life in general, I've been slowly noticing some new things about myself that weren't exactly visible to me before. I'd been hoping as the years go by that I'd have avoided that stereotypical "girl with daddy issues" bit that I've seen play out in other people - that I'm educated and have enough of a strong sense of self to just fly past all of that junk. It's been becoming more and more obvious to me lately though that I do in fact fall into that unfortunate classification of girl & that my wavy self esteem would ultimately leave me as the perfect candidate for someone to just pick me up and speed me along into being a mindless fucktoy........I blame religion ~ lol.


- ztshp

D-cups are too small for any type of bimbo, bigger is always better Trust Me Little One

- Big_Mamba

myfreeimplants is the site for paid noob jobs

- Plaat

Ok , now your just starting to sound normal, except for the last sentence, but; that's why its a fantasy, right? You would if given the chance, but its not a realistic choice in the long term.

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