Hello, I call myself Vatra...well...no. I call myself me, or I. But other people call me Vatra sometimes. Anyway, I believe that I can't know something before I personally experience it, and that's what this is. I'm conducting an experiment to see whether or not I believe in Self-hypnoses. I know that I can only fully prove it to myself, but maybe this journal will help others decide on whether or not they want to try it for themselves.
First, an overview of myself, with information relevant to the files available here (so...about my sexual interests and personality, mostly.) I am male, in body and gender identity, however, I am gay, and admit that I have feminine attributes. On the subject, I do already enjoy cross dressing and the concept of forced gender change and emasculation. But I do in fact think of myself fully as male. I am already interested in bondage and the act of forced submission. Lastly, I'm a mild furry. I mean, I enjoy the furry fandom as a part of my life, the raccoon "fursona", is a part of me, but I see myself as human through and through. It's just fun to pretend sometimes.
Lastly, I'll list the files I'm currently focusing on. I will devote the length of the file to them, and only them, meditating as it instructs every night and maybe listen throughout the day, in the background while I do other things.
Right now, I'll be using "Curse_Trig_Catgirl", "LRHousecat", and "LRFemaleOrgasm" In order of importance and frequency. I picked these because they seem interesting, and there is variety, but not conflict in the effects. one is a lasting "curse", one is a temporary, but very noticeable effect, and one is an instantaneous effect that doesn't seem to be all that farfetched to be successful. I'll be reporting back at least once a week, when I switch programs, and if I notice any effects or events.