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izatga88's Recent Entries

Happy Holidays!

by izatga88

I'm quite literally about to drop. I've been running around all over cooking and cleaning and preparing stuff for the holidays. Between being stressed out & tired from everything, I have not really had any opportunity to do anything fun & sexual (heck, I probably have been looking a bit of a mess).

I ~have~, however, been making it a point to monitor my overall reaction to the new Sex Obsessed Bimbo file over the last week. Bottom line: ~ it ~absolutely~ does its intended job ~. I've certainly simmered down over the last few days, but even just the couple of days I'd listened to it for the first time left me wanting constant sexual stimulation. It's died down since I've been too busy & stressed to listen, but I can only imagine (especially after re-reading some of my most recent postings) that I'd turn into a hardcore bimbo/slut without noticing if I was listening to it loop at least two nights a week.

As of now, the most effective files I'm listening to are the SLUT Remix (orgasm denial) file, Breast Game series of files (I SERIOUSLY cannot stop playing with them - they're so sensitive now that it's maddening), Sex Obsessed Bimbo file (results are as advertised), and the Be Dumb file (takes a few sessions for it to gain momentum, but makes me a giggling idiot & unable to operate a simple light switch).

Those are all a VERY dangerous combinations at this point. Breast Game causes me (even now, stressed, tired, and busy) to play with my breasts on habit. This kicks Sex Obsessed Bimbo into gear and makes me want to orgasm my brains out all afternoon. SLUT Remix winds up denying me a proper orgasm due to a particular suggestion or two, which in turn causes me to want to try and fuck (myself) again and make it feel better. Be Dumb doesn't exactly feed into all of this, it just limits my ability to recognise what I'm doing and put a stop to all of it.

Quite possibly one of the most prominent changes as of late, the Sex Obsessed Bimbo file has solidified the mental picture I have of myself into being a pure 200% bimbo/slut. While under the influence of suggestions and conditioning over the last year, I certainly would see myself all cool & sexy with different hair and a few cosmetic upgrades - my opinion could wear off depending on my mood though. Sex Obsessed Bimbo seems to have eliminated this issue. I'm not even sure how to best put it to words, but I KNOW that I NEED to get my hair dyed, extensions added (my hair already touches my boobs if I use a hair iron), plump up my lips ~slightly~, install larger boobs, pierce my tongue, get a nice tan, have a Brazilian butt lift (making my already-awesome ass into that of a goddess'), and finishing it off by getting a dirty "tramp stamp" tattooed on top of it - I want anyone who looks at me to know that I love being on my back and screaming in ecstasy~!

It's like it's the most surreal thing I've ever experienced. Regardless of the fact that my mood right now is making me 200% opposed to being considered someone else's property, I see myself as being incomplete without all of the above amendments to my current figure. Even my attitude as of late is wildly different than it had been in the past and I'm constantly launching sexually provocative statements at other people while both realising it ~and~ not being embarrassed in the slightest. It's a freaky scenario to consider, but I can see myself easily being a great wife &/or mom to someone - all while being an absolute whore and getting my brains fucked out......it's the "being a competent and strong woman" part of me that is now variable - a horny bimbo is who I am deep down, and I'm beyond the point where I can lie to myself and deny it even slightly. In the darkest, most perverted corners of my soul lies the absolute desire to make myself into ~sooo much~ of a complete bimbo that I appear in front of my dad after my "upgrades" are finished & he completely breaks from the shock of seeing how perfectly-slutty I am ~ yay!

January is going to be an interesting month when I can get back to my routine and not be bothered by other people occupying the house during the holiday. The new file I'm using plus my discovery of the Bimbo Candy website (it's totally like fucking CRACK for fueling the mental image of myself) really has the potential to push me all the way - I just need a guy to to play with my tits a bit and I'll be like putty in his hands and unable to resist. I've already had one or two episodes over the past week where my vocabulary even goes and reverts to a bimbo level.....it might all get to be a bit more permanent once I have the freedom to let loose in 2013.


- masterblue03

Very glad to see you progressing, especially with the appropriate mental self-image!

- izatga88

Thanks~! :D

I gotta say....I was just checking my ass out in the mirror and it truly is awesome!

- mystic-wolf

I always will wonder how a bimbo looks, especially such a bimbo like you iza.

- masterblue03

Have you looked at bimboboutique.com as well? It's rarely updated anymore, but I think it's also up your alley.

- izatga88

As of right this moment, my daily life is functioning quite normally & I have most of everything under control to the point that my conditioning is only obvious to other people at night (and even then, I'm usually alone). I've absolutely got two different opinions floating around inside myself about all this bimbo stuff that are in conflict with each other.

I guess....it's not like you can ~see~ it by reading my posts, but my thoughts actually turn out like "OMG, so like, I totally didn't get what he was saying to me and I kinda just giggled instead". Actually speaking to someone face to face as of late is hard to do without letting all that slip out, but I can at least comb through things I type and clean it up so that it doesn't sound like un-readable bimbo mush.

Also, since I was asked (and cant think of a reason not to post it): My ass fits comfortably in a pair of ladies Arizona ~Favorite Flare~ jeans (size 7). They're actually slightly too large, but I like the extra bit of movement that they allow me due to them being loose. If you know where to look, Google actually has a pretty good estimate of what my bottom looks like while wearing them - note the dark blue ones.

- mutatedbunnyboy

I have to say, this is my favorite part. Just be careful what you do, who you do it with, and for the love of an intangible force... be safe! Other than that, please continue the transformation. :)

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