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izatga88's Recent Entries

I might actually get to bed early tonight ~

by izatga88

Interesting bit of trivia for ya'll:

I continue to be shocked and amazed at how....."natural" it seems to feel/want cock sliding in & out of my mouth, even when I'm working and have my head on totally straight. I can be doing something as innocent & wholesome as visiting family for the holidays, yet out of nowhere, the urge hits me & I think like "Gee, it feels so natural to want to lean forward against a wall with my legs & pussy spread wide open". I cant deny now that a year of conditioning myself like this has actually permanently altered me. It was different before - I used to post all the time about that "voice in the back of my head", but it's gone now.

Hmm.....I guess without noticing, I've become rather accepting & compliant towards all this. It's like, a part of my life now, and it really makes me wonder what I'll be like next year around this time since I'd consider myself a giggling slut now.

So um....I'm like, in the mood for a bit of a odd change in pace subject-wise. I had a run-in with a BDSM situation last night (my sister is actually really into it). Not much to write home about - I didn't take part at all, but my eyes caught leather & spanking. After thinking about it, I get the feeling that this bimbo thing I'm doing might even be a bit more extreme. Ideally, I'm at the mercy of the guy I'm with, there's no safeword, and I exist only to please him and wait eagerly for him to need me again. I'd probably kinda change my mind if I tried it, but just watching sort of gets me laughing at some of the more absurd stuff.

Bah....I was just about to scroll back and do one last read-over, but I just cant seem to concentrate on all the words.


- mutatedbunnyboy

Only one way to find out~

- ztshp

I would love to have you, you seem like a wonderful girl

- ztshp

I want you to be my Christmas present

- zapnosis

Hi Iz, interesting that there seems to be some overlap between your interests and your sister's. Do you reckon you might feel more comfortable talking to her about this stuff now? Either way, season's greetings to ya and here's to a very slutty new year! ;)

- izatga88

Thanks ~ a bit of a surprise to me, I got a bunch of expensive clothing items and a few perfumes as gifts this year. I shouldn't have any issue turning heads when 2013 rolls in! :D

- ztshp

I wish I had got what I asked for, for Christmas ;)

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