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izatga88's Recent Entries


by izatga88

Sorry again for the bit of a break. I've been feeling a bit...."off" & I'm not sure what's causing it. I've also been having to pull a few "all-nighters" between doing a bit of work & partying with friends and family (I'm close to passing out right now). Before I get going with the rest of my post, I should note that I have not heard anything since my last update - she hasn't sent me any texts, and I'm still a bit too shell shocked to think of anything to say to her. I have to admit though, if she were to just show up at my place and start in on me, I don't think I could resist it.....but I'm not going out of my way to go over there just to fool around.

So ya.....I actually met two guys over the last week. One is insanely shallow and annoying, but throws his money around (yay~). The other guy is actually fun to talk to, but so far seems a little quiet & shy (I'm not a fan of that in a guy). It's only been casual/social stuff, nothing extreme and physical.....I'm just not "feeling it" with either of them. It was nice at least. I've been in full control of myself for the entire week and it's been nice to be able to think straight & hold intelligent conversations. I got to thinking a few nights ago.....the whole bimbo thing & the airheaded stuff is annoying and slows me down. It's refreshing to experience things, especially just plain/simple attraction to someone like any other normal person would. Being overly-dumb gets exhausting after a while, but it feels like I'm trapped or something when it does happen......kind of stressful.

Yesterday and today.....I've been making plans with my best friend from college to go out to a club later this week. My sister actually saw one of our text conversations on my phone, and had been teasing the hell out of me over the fact that my friend is seriously an "annoying bimbo" herself, that it seems like everything she says is pointless and airheaded (I'm almost positive I've mentioned her in other posts before too - I'm too lazy to find which ones). I always figured she was just bright & cheery in college......but she never acts as if she is aware she's dressing slutty, and you could probably bash her on the head with something & she wouldn't even blink (there's nothing there)......I really cant disagree that she's a bimbo herself when I stop and consider everything.

I obviously would agree to fuck someone's brains out forever under the right circumstances, but I'm not so sure how I feel these days about losing my intelligence. It's getting harder and harder to ignore too - I can be the farthest thing from horny as of late, but I'm becoming notorious around everyone that knows me for being an airheaded scatterbrain. The texting my sister noticed, especially tonight.....she must have mentioned my friend and me being bimbos together about 10 times or more......it makes it so much harder to "be normal" whenever she does that (I still have not said anything to her). I feel like I cant escape it.....I'm already having trouble even identifying that something is wrong.....it feels like I won't even be self-aware anymore sometime soon if this keeps up. Actually, I'm DEFINITELY just panicking here, but since I feel too sluggish & tired to be horny, the bimbo stuff isn't getting me turned on like it usually does. For now......at least tonight.....I know I'm slowly changing & no longer have control over it, and I'm scared because I'm almost too far gone to stop it. ......if I even consider attempting a "deprogram all", I start to cry, feel sick, and it feels like I'm seriously going to die or something. Very scary.


- Endo

Wow. That's intense. At this point, if you think it would be a good idea to go for a reset, the just go for it! Take a step back, a deep breath in, etc. Let it go for a while where you've got no files whatsoever active, then reconsider everything. I think the main problem you're facing is that you like some aspects of "bimboism", but you enjoy being "solid-headed" too, and those two thoughts of yourself are conflicting inside you. Take a step back, get the "original" you back, and reconsider everything.

- rw789

The problem, Endo, she mentions in the last sentence. The curses have her to a point that when she starts to think about it, it makes her cry and/or feel sick.

- Big_Mamba

What about a restart instead of complete deprogramming ? I mean you could hhear the deprogramm for a while, so the conditioning gets lose. That doesnt mean you have to quite the programm at all, just a step back. Get to a neutral point of view to think clearly. You have gathered a great deal of experience within the last year. Now you clearly now what you want and what you don't want. Sourt that out. That was a time of collecting data. End it.Restart you programming with edited files that ONLY have those features you want to live out. Like being normal at day and being a slut at night. Or being an INTELLIGENT bimbo.There is a file for that around here. It may be time for ou to overcome your current programms and to restart.

- mutatedbunnyboy

Why do you need a deprogram all? Why not find yourself some scripts (or ask someone to create them) which rewards intelligence with pleasure? Keep the best of both worlds.

- danny1988

I agree with the other commenters here, you dont need a deprogram all more a change in direction. I frankly could not do a deprogram all myself ive had a lot of hypnotherapy along with files on here. I like who I am atm ive found balance but I still like to change things. I dont get sick at the thought of doing it but I just cant do it. Im sure there is a file on here to be a bimbo and keep your intelligence but also im sure some of the tists over on HF would gladly help if you asked them. They could even halt your loss of intelligence if you let them. I have met a few tists on there and they have all been nice and wonderful. I just see being a bimbo and being intelligent the best of both worlds :) Who says bimbos have to be airheads, society thats who and to society I say bugger off I want to be who I want not what society says I should act like. Hope my ramblings help :) Danni

- forecastdown

http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=FilesNewsys&act=fetch&nopage=1&link=10851 Maybe try this...? :)

- izatga88

Just a quick/small update. I've been trying to back off a bit from the brainwashing, and life has been surprisingly non-stressful and very relaxing as a result. The fact that I felt the need to check here and post something like this means that I'm probably slipping towards another major week of blasting my brain with the files, but I'm nice and content for the moment just being normal once again.

- mutatedbunnyboy

You know you can actually do what you want, do what makes you happy and feels good, if that's being "normal" for a while let it happen. Then when you want to let go, you can do it at a (semi)controlled time.

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