
Questioning Direction

by Vatra

I've hit the sissy stuff already and was really into it. However, I was looping this "limpness" training file that was telling me not to interact with my erections. I'll admit that it was getting me pretty...excited, so after about an hour, I surrendered to my baser urges. While cleaning up, I realized I was not at all ashamed or disappointed in myself. Looking in the mirror, I saw a man. Inside and out. I always felt secure in my masculinity, but accepted I had a strong feminine side...mostly showing itself during my occasional cross-dressing. It might have been me considering what might be if it actually worked, or just my masculine side asserting itself. But I felt a seriously strong rejection to the files I've been using. I realize I haven't even touched my girl's wardrobe since I've been playing with this stuff either. I think it might be the insulting, or aggressive language in them. Or, maybe I just have a rebellious personality or something. Either way, I feel I must shy away from these girly files to avoid losing my naturally girly self any further. I still would like to continue to test my I-Doser combo method, and possibly record my own script soon, I did just write one today.


- ParanoidLord

You could try looking for feminization files that don't have the humiliation aspect - perhaps your "male" side might be more willing to concede to the "female" side if it doesn't perceive itself as being under attack (in other words, having them cooperate instead of competing).

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