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WME3's Recent Entries

SUBject #002 Entry #1

by WME3

I stumbled upon a house-ridden woman looking for some help with sleep and her smoking the other day. She tells me she is afraid of going outside sometimes, and has a lack of friends. Looks as though this means another perfect opportunity to exercise a little Mind Control! For the first Session, I placed her under, and she went out very quickly. I suppose being a chronic Television watcher conditions you to do that! Once she was under, she was conditioned to the word sleep as deepener, and conditioned her own breathing to receive an even higher sense of satisfaction than narcotics will ever offer. Of course, she can't quit cold turkey, right? We're gonna have to give a new addiction; ME! At present, I am scheming as to where I should go from here. She is open now to hypnosis, so anything goes. Submissive Sex Slave, or something more devious? Send me an idea, or post your thoughts in the comments! WME3


- darkenedav

take it show and subtle and the slave option will open itself naturally ;) do it inception style and make it subtly seem like her idea and it should sit better

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