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onlineslave1985's Recent Entries

Checking for breasts

by onlineslave1985

A few days ago I foolishly listened to breast growth hypno file from Warp My Mind. Now I'm worried that I may grow breasts and check myself regularly. Where there has been no visible change I've noticed that my breast area is soft to the touch and sometimes get random pains within this area (growing pains?). They also seam more notable feeling wise then before. I've no idea if its just in my head or if changes have started to happen. I'm hoping that it is all in my head and things will return to normal. A worried slave  onlineslave1985 x


- ztshp

I think you should try listening again

- ParanoidLord

Maybe you should've listened to a file that conditions you to play with your breasts first. Then, just maybe, you might not be having this dilemma.

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