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angelharley's Recent Entries

Regression and repetition. A good start.

by angelharley

Last night I worked with one of my newer subjects. I started out over the past few sessions working on eliminating her smoking habit, which has been productive. She also has given me permission to play around with the more interesting aspects of hypnosis, and I decided to give her a taste of that. We did a good long while of deepening before I had her focus on her behind and share what she felt about it. She confided that she feels her behind is not balanced as much as she would like, but she was not very enthusiastic when I mentioned it getting larger. I had her imagine it larger, and walked her though scenarios of her admiring it, and many more of others admiring it, instilling a sense of pride in her larger butt. She was at this point finally able to admit that having a larger butt could be positive. I brought her back to the present and had her experience herself with a wonderful bubble butt again. I had her repeat over and over again "my butt is a bubble" each time triggering that sense of pride in her bubble butt and cementing the idea that she actually has one. I also suggested that each time she said it, her mind would regress slightly further back in time, thus the more more she repeated her mantra, the younger she got in her mind, and her memories changed to having a bubble butt and enjoying it at a younger age. I stopped her in the ballpark of age 12 (my lucky age for regression) and then returned her to the present. She confirmed that her bubble butt was a part of her, and she loved it, and couldn't understand why she had said she was not entirely happy with her butt before. I then returned her perception of her butt to normal, while leaving her altered memories and feeling intact. of course she admitted to very much wanting her bubble butt back. I left a final trigger to reinforce her bubble butt desire and to seek me out if she wishes to further it. I sent these memories to her subconscious and woke her up refreshed, and did not mention her rear the rest of the night. I guess we shall see if she contacts me again for something a little more bubbly ;)


- darkenedav

always leavem wanting more ;) lol

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