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atlsub's Recent Entries

Beginning of a journey.....hmm....a journey journal :-)

by atlsub

Tonight I make a commitment........one to myself and to any that this journey may eventually lead me to. I need this. There is no doubt about it. While I have alot of questions about hypnosis and its benefits, I also have a great peace about just simply submitting to it. Don't worry about it.......just let it happen. That is the commitment I make today......to this journey and wherever it may lead. A year ago I came across this site. It was quite different then. I listened over and over to many of the files. I knew I was being changed in subtle ways. I had more energy. Inhibitions were lowered and I found myself doing things I had never done before. Things that I would never let myself experience. (More about that later). I don't know why I stopped coming to this site and why I stopped listening to the files. Maybe it scared me? Or maybe the direction I needed wasn't there. Someone to take control of me. Someone to make this real......to take me out of the fantasy of it all into the reality of it all. Yesterday I came back to this site. I realize now that I was being affected more than just in the subtle ways. Looking back at this past year I see that my lifestyle changed in alot of ways. Those things that were interests are now needs. A year later I find myself still doing the things that these files commanded and I didn't even realize it. I have a strong hunger for this stuff. This is my commitment.............to follow through with anything I find here. To obey in everyway. To never refuse an opportunity to be taken as deep as possibly. To be led as told. I guess I hesitated at first about putting all this down in a journal. I know it is gonna get really graphic! What if someone else reads it? I doubt that anyone is really interested or really even cares. I just want to be vulnerable. To not hide from anything....especially myself. Tonight I open myself up to whatever and whoever takes me. I will not resist. My next entry will be about the files I listen to, how they are affecting me, who I am, dark fantasies and whatever stuff pours out. ;-)


- bored_teen

i am interested in what u write, alot of people go through such changes. but few are willing to let others in on it. Follow your fantasies.

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