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Lympus' Recent Entries

Willa's Thoughts

by Lympus

Hey everybody, the some-day to be Willa here. I thought I would just write down something I've been thinking about. At the moment, I am sadly all boy. With the help of Mistress Squirrel (The amazing and lovely) I hope to one day be totally and completely feminized. The permanency of this is not a scary thought but actually an incredible selling point to me. Wish I could say why, but it is. Anyway, I'm legit torn on an issue, specifically my genitalia, my clit. I am still unsure if I want to shrink it or embrace being limp forever, or not. I've had in my mind the idea of being a non-op for so long, I don't know if I want to change it. But at the same time the idea is SO erotic, and so pleasing to my Mistress, that it's a serious consideration as well. Just thought I would share. Comments are always appreciated! Love Willa


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