Crystal21's Recent Entriesvery interesting dayby Crystal21well today was an interesting day today giggle i had a few very interesting things happen first of wich was i fell into trance and had every hole filled and my brains all but fucked out of me giggle though the previouse night i had a uterus start to form so with what happened durring that and yes i enjoyed it ALOT giggle but the most interesting thing is that today it seems as far as i can tell that brought on a not so fun part of womanhood my period, and so far have had bloating and slight cramps but the cramps are getting stronger somewhat and twinges of pain where my ovaries are wich is not something i would have thought possible giggle but aparently it is so i have had a fun and interesting day today giggle, and my pussy is forming still as well as my clit too in fact i can see where the pussy lips would seperate has become indented and my clity is now half as big as it was before i started the palylist i am looping so i know it is working not including my breasts continue to get bigger giggle. so it seems i am going through my second puberty as it were wich i am super excited about and am verry happy with the changes and fun of today even though the bloating and cramps are not so much fun but that also means that with my period also comes the ability for child birth wich i am wanting and always have wanted so i guess that will be all i am going to put in here tonight, as this entry is the longest so far giggle but anyways. have fun, happy trancing, good night and sweet dreams to all my sisters luv you all hugs.