Crystal21's Recent Entriesthoughts i have had for awhileby Crystal21well not sure what i was thinking when i decided to get on here knowing i am not able to get on hrt or go through srs as i am on a fixed income and the price tag that comes with both of those is really high. i am probly not going to be able to ever fix myself and will most likely be ugly all my life wich i have kinda come to expect to be the case. so i am probly going to just give up on trying to even bother with finding someone as there probly is not anyone out there that wants to be with me anyway. i am to girly in behavior for most girls to want me not including that would not work to well in the first place and not female enough for most men to want to be with me if not all men so i will probly be forever stuck in limbo not one or the other and not able to be someone anyone wants to be with either so why even try to...guess i was hoping to be able to find someone who would see me for me on the inside and not as much on the outside but i am probly totaly wrong on that one so yeah...well i have come to the conclusion that i will most likely within around a 95% chance never find anyone so i will probly just stop trying to and except the fact that i am an ugly unwanted screw up of an individual no matter what i am able to do or try nothing will make that change as i will never be able to afford hrt or srs in my lifetime so i may as well just go and hide myself from the world as much as i can until i finally am no longer. wich i hope is sooner rather than later but most likely it will not be just to make me hurt more and know for an even longer period of time that i am ugly and unwanted by anyone. oh well that tends to be how my life goes i try and be me and it never goes good ever when it comes to the reality of things so sorry to those or i should say to all for being ugly and i know i will always be unwanted so i will probly just go to where all the broken people go and die. as i am just takeing up space that could be put to better use and on someone who i not ugly and unwanted.