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isadora's Recent Entries

quick sidenote

by isadora

the last couple of nights, while trancing, i will think these completely random non-sensical thoughts.

then my mind will wander back to the induction and the thoughts are forgotten, thus giving them credibility. except they don't make any SENSE.

yet at that time they're so clear and so decisive. but now, can i even remember these thoughts? helllll no.

i don't know if it's normal, or if it's a combination of trance and REM combining together to form this weird sensation, but ah well.

i was reading another journal and what someone recommended was just listening to induction files and only induction files for a few weeks.

maybe i'm trying too much too fast? i dunno.

my cat, Random, is going NUTS and it's, in turn, driving me nuts. argh! i can't wait until i get to work!


- gork151

dont worry about making sense of it now. it is progressive you are replacing one thought with another you have been told for years one message now you are seeking another - i can see a momment of confusion in my wife as she goes about her day the momment stop and pause like that was a new way to do that where did that come from...

- demigraff

That makes 4 people I know of who have cats called Random. (Unless you're one of the other 3, which would be a heck of a coincidence). It must be a more common name than I'd thought :)

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