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new playlist....yet again!

by isadora

soooo....i've started up a new playlist now. i've basically trimmed the files. i have Induction and then Deepening at the start of every file (the start of Deepening cut off....though technically i could've just skipped the trimming of Induction and just used Deepening straight off.

i feel silly now! all that work! oh well, haha.

so my new playlist is basically monday and wednesday dedicated to the weightloss and school-helpful stuff. Tuesday is Triggers, and Thursday is Training files. Friday is IMAccept and Erotic Dreams (since, as i said, week-ends will be hypno-less due to my hectic schedule).

part of what motivates me to keep writing here are the comments, it's nice to see people interested and curious. hell i'm interested and curious about what's going to happen to me. ;)

i read some more of my psychology book, high-lighted some passages. hopefully the TrigStopProcrastinating file will work soon ;) I think that's the only thing that will get my ass in gear where that's concerned.

i'm quite excited about tonight, though. i think i may have made myself extra tired just so i can crawl into bed, plug in my headphones and go under with my new files. see how well they work

but i wonder if part of my exhaustion stems from the fact that my REM sleep time has probably decreased from these files somewhat.doesn't hypnotism work on the Beta waves? And REM is delta? So if I am being hypnotized I'm being held at the Beta area, when I should be in Delta.

Ah well, I have the week-end to fight off my sleep debt. Though I can't. I need to be up early to sand furniture.

and i need to reschedule the cats vet appointment, since i think her appointment is when i'll be at my friend's cottage.

all this business is really starting to stress me out. *sighs*


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