
Category: Animal
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CWolfCW's Recent Entries

Woof, arf, and yip I say!

by CWolfCW

And then you get videos like this and the temptation to heehaw and be a good heehaw donkey starts growing again.

I find that the trick is to not think about it. Er, not 'not think'. Otherwise you end up having that urge to heehaw and heehaw like a good donkey because it feels so good to heehaw. ^^;

Not much to report since not too much to add. Just thought the heehaw video was amusing since a lot of heehaw heehaw. ^^;;;


- Joybringer

I'm not triggerable at the moment, or I know I would be making a very different sort of comment in response here...

That really is a good video, isn't it? Just listening to it is the best part. You don't need to worry about thinking about it or not thinking about it. Just close your eyes and listen to that donkey. Listen to him bray. Heehaw! Heehaw! Can you hear him bray? Oh, or was that you braying? Your heehaw? Heehaw!

Hear yourself breathe in with a sound. Hee! Breathe out. Haw!! They're not even words, are they? You don't need words. Just hee. Just haw. Heehaw! Heehaw!! Listen to the video. That donkey is such a good teacher! Heehaw! It feels so good to listen. It feels so good to sound just like him:heehaw heehaw! It feels so good when he sounds just like you! Heehaw! Heehaw! Heehaw!

Such a good donkey. Heehaw Heehaw!

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