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fxray's Recent Entries


by fxray

Tonight was my first experience with being turned into a donkey by HeadMistressSquirrel. Her method was amazingly subtle and quick. I don't know if it would have worked nearly as well if I hadn't been in a chat room with multiple "donkeys" braying away. Once it kicked in for me, it was intensely arousing! While I never really felt any physical transformative effects, the mental impact was significant. I basically felt like a simple, rutting, horny, donkey with no thoughts beyond making noise and feeling good. Well done HeadMistressSquirrel!


- Joybringer

I'm glad you joined us! I love thus trigger regardless, the animal sensuality and the cadence of braying over and over. But the social aspect, braying with other donkeys, smelling the jacks nearby, and braying and braying ... that makes the experience of being a jennet so many times more powerful.

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