Joybringer's Recent EntriesDonkey 3by JoybringerI like thought manipulation and suppression. I won't lie. Done well, I think it's sexy. I look for opportunities to play with it and I've done it for others. But I've always struggled with making it work for myself. It makes no sense and flies in the face of the triggering imagery, but bimbification feels in my head like it is "up" from normal; thus, whenever anything reminds me of my mind, I start to slip back down the slope. I can almost literally feel that sliding as my mind loses its grip on the simple state.
Mistress Mina performed a mass fuxing today which I was honored to attend. The script itself was interesting and more effective for me than others. I made the "climb" and even giggled a little, but even with that, I could only keep hold for a couple minutes. Trying to fuxtype just hastened the slide back to normalcy.
Needless to say, I don't have that problem with the donkey trigger!
It was a social night for the pace, with a couple new donkeys and some veterans. I aw heehaw heehaw always love being a jennet best surrounded by other donkeys too! Heehaw! Heehaw! One donkey brays and heehaw another and heehaw and my voice joins with all the others in animal exultation and sensuality.
I have to sleep and heehaw and dream of braying and cumming and heehaw and chewing the haw heehaw theehaw hee the hay and how sexual and sensual and heehaw it is to be Headmistress's jennet. Heehaw heehaw heehaw!