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izatga88's Recent Entries


by izatga88

Feeling better this week. My BFF finally got over (or forgot?) what was bothering her & begged me to come over for sex stuff the other night - the guys must have been busy all weekend.

I have no idea what was up with me during that last post - the panic & disorientation is gone, though I still agree that self-confidence is something I should be working on. I'm baffled since I feel normal again now.

The parties were fun, though I got drunk again at the more recent one & got into a really uncomfortable groping-situation. It just felt....icky. I think I started sobering up enough to realise the guy was a creep and I left for the night. Oooootherwise.....it's been rather quiet lately.


- mutatedbunnyboy

That's pretty cool to hear, you still have the ability to detect trouble/creeps. I think that's a good thing.

- PowerHoden

Good to hear you agree on the self-confidence thing. Good Luck on that. Hope you get on the right track with that.

- lew897

Well, good luck with whatever. Its probably easier with support and your BFF getting over things.

- StrippedGears

Good to see things have calmed down.

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