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emgslave's Recent Entries

Surrendering my will

by emgslave


Today was a very long day for Your slave. You woke her way too early since You kept her up so late. Your slave remembers asking to be put into trance. Your slave remembers why she wanted to be put in trance. After such a bad night with the outside world intruding in barely healed wounds, Your slave needed to feel Your ownership. Your slave wanted to serve and please You. Your slave wanted to have to ask for permission for all she had to do today.

Your slave does not remember what happened in trance, there was something that was remembered upon awakening, but after the long day that has escaped Your slave's very tired mind. What Your slave felt coming out of trance was a deep feeling of being owned. Having to ask permission to shower, permission to get dressed and ready for work. Permission to smoke on the way to work. Your slave tried to get away with something there, but You caught it. You limited that to just one. Self-preservation? owned but trying to get away with more than one with permission? Your slave is very happy You caught it though.

You gave Your slave permission to do her daily work and allowed the necessities of Your slave's deep addiction to Diet Coke. Having to ask permission to go to the bathroom was so different than just telling You where Your slave was going. You made Your slave ask for everything all day.

Then that threat. You were serious, Your slave knew it, but You put the disclaimers in the order anyway, too comfort Your pet? to make sure that she knew that You would work with her before carrying out the threat. Your slave was eager to get home from work to do the task You had set before her. Menial as it was, brain numbing and all, Your slave was so pleased to help her Master. And now, as Your slave sits here and types this out, unable to use the personal pronouns, Master is able to see that the ownership he placed on his slave has stuck through the whole day. Even with the continued silences as You work so hard to take care of business Your slave has been under Your complete control.

Your slave forever



There are times that there is nothing like dragging you down to a point that the words "Yes Master" seem to come unbidden to your lips every time I say something. We have to do that more often ::EG::

- hypnoslut69

Im now a woman and need huge breasts. emg erased hetero needs. he is sooooo sexy

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