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penny2's Recent Entries

Still with it

by penny2

Well its been difficult to stay committed so I've been a little spotty with the file but I'm trying to stay with it. I'm not sure if the file has had any effect. In my progress towards becoming a cock sucker I added some cock themed blogs to my tumblr feed. But I can't say how much of this is just me trying or if its the file. I am still not fond of the idea of sucking cock overall.


- Endo

Hmm. I am a big fan of girls who happen to have penises, so my fantasies usually have a bit of cock-sucking mixed in. I'm a male, so getting used to the thought of interacting with typically male genitalia takes some work. I also have a very nasty gag reflex. All that said, I'm with you on this journey! I may even make a file on the subject later.

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