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izatga88's Recent Entries

Looooong Weeeeeek

by izatga88

Blah......i feel so exhausted. I've been spending the entire week so far with Mr. Phone sex.....at his place. It's okay. I've been with MUCH more (seemingly at least) experienced guys. We've been going out to dinner & then coming back and fucking some way or another while buzzed more or less until we pass out.

I'm actually back home for the moment, but I'm supposed to head back out again for dinner tomorrow night.

Looking back on the last few days, my brain's kinda been on autopilot & not thinking about things too much. For that matter, even if it's not the best, mediocre cock is better than none & staring at a computer screen, so i'm not going to complain. The whole thing makes me feel good & like a call girl or something with him. He unzips & my mind just goes *oh hey! that looks yummy!*

Either way, thought I'd check in really quick~ I'm about to drop.


- PowerHoden

Enjoy your time and dont forget to keep on actively working on your confidence ,)

- StrippedGears

Phone Sex guy must like you (and your services) quite a bit! As for his experience, surely you could train him up a bit and give him an idea of what he could be doing better in the sack, right? You've already proven with your BFF that bimbos can be a bit domme-y too...

- izatga88

Usually he tells me what he wantsa, but other times he'll say I can like, just totally go wild on him - then I don't stop until I feel like my brain is exploding everywherre. I dunno about teaching him though....all I really know well is sucking him dry and letting him use my holes.....

- mutatedbunnyboy

Just like a good cocksleeve

- StrippedGears

I should have figured you'd be too far gone to really be able to do anything that could be called "teaching" anymore... But there is another option. You already watch a lot of porn, right? Well why not watch some porn with him and have him fuck you like the girls on screen? Even if it doesn't improve his performance much the experience might help push you further over the edge by physically putting you in the same position as your role models. Be sure to pick porn with the trashiest sluts possible, though. ;)

- ztshp

I'm starting to feel sorry for you IZ

- izatga88

Hmm....almost the end of the month....

I might be tempted to post something soon. I've mostly just been working and sucking cock for some small favors with the same guy. Not really much to report about.

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