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Lord_Of_The_Unreal's Recent Entries

A script i used to use for Cats

by Lord_Of_The_Unreal

Happy Kitty, fluffy kitty purr purr purr
Relaxed Kitty, Drifty Kitty purr purr purr
Relaxing, slipping, dropping down
Good kitty, sleepy kitty, Purr purr purr
Happy, submissive, good as can be
Thoughtless, mindless purr purr purr
Trancy Kitty, dropping kitty purr purr purr
Relaxing, letting words flow by, obeying kitty purr purr purr
counting down with me kitty dropping deeper with each purr
3 purr
2 purr
1 purr
0 purr
letting your mind just slip away
happy, relaxed, fluffy as can be
Good kitty, sweet kitty purr purr purr
mind gone, kitty as can be, no need to be anything but
letting fur and paws start to form
Happy kitty, fluffy kitty paw paw paw
all mushy in mind and body, just kitty and happy as can be
deeper, falling, mind slip away
Replaced with kitty thoughts night and day
Calm, happy, sweet as can be a good little kitty are the
Happy, relaxed deep you go, letting thoughts fade as fluffy you grow
furry kitty happy and free no need to do only be
restful staying as long as you like, a good little kitty you are for me
Coming up when you like remembering or forgeting all that you like
mind simple and happy as can be
happy kitty, fluffy kitty, Purr purr purr


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