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my unexpected time away from here

by kaytee

Last Tuesday i had to take some time away from here and couldnt tell anyone i had to go because iof reasons a few people on the chat knows about now. but while i was a way i couldn't have my iphone to listen to my files to reinforce things like me being a kitty so i tranced myself each night from memory of Mistress Mina's deep space induction and kept myself a kitty.
Also during this time me and my SC got closer since we had alot of time alone together. at one point i even had a thought that was in [ ] which is how my SC can voice itself in the chats that was a little strange but i can understand why it happened since She couldn't do it in the chat and probably missed talking to every one as much as i did in the chats. Also at times i actually cried since i missed Mistress Mina so much.
I tried not to but couldn't help it since I couldn't tell her good bye like i wanted too. But it is good to be back with her now and being her pet kitty once again.


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