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juicycd1's Recent Entries

New me

by juicycd1

Thew tide has turned. What started out as empowering my wife and finding her increased sexuality has led, instead, to permanent changes i n me. She found the sessions regarding control, sissification and arousal of men interesting and insisted I listened. Not being easily hypnotized I did. After a week of daily listening I was indeed becoming easily hypnotized and never realized until it was too late. I became addicted to sissy files, feminine, male arousal and listened first thing int the morning and before bed. I found myslef slimming down, shaving my body, dreaming of big hard cocks. I was wearing panties, not once in a while, but every day. I could not get hard for her anymore, and she loved it, she began seeing other men and I was not jealous, but aroused. I was with my first man a year and a half ago, they are all i want, need and desire


- mutatedbunnyboy

Tell us more about the change and whats happening now? :)

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