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isadora's Recent Entries

progressive procrastination

by isadora

i wish i could say that i have made progress.

that i listen to the files every night.

but i haven't listened to them in a week. my schedule and sleep habits have been so thrown off and out of whack lately.

school and work stress, that's what i'm attributing to it.

so i don't have anything to put here.

but i doubt that things will improve for me any time soon.


- Meg

Don't give up isadora! I hope everything calms down for you and you get a chance to get back in the swing of things!

- morrcomm

I know what you mean, isadora. Sometimes my own schedule won't let me do any serious "hypno-work" for weeks at a time, and it's just as frustrating for me. One thing I've found, though, is that even in those weeks when I'm not actively going under and listening to EMG files or my own scripts, my subconscious isn't standing still. Things are still happening down below my awareness. You just might find that when you do get back to a specific file, you've somehow jumped ahead in progress. Or that when you get back to listening to any of the files, it's suddenly easier to go deep, or deeper than before. Think of it as a program running in the background. You may not notice it while it's grinding away, but then it *dings* and the finished output is suddenly in your hands. At least, that's what I've found often happens with me, and I never would have expected it back when I started. Take care!

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