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lew897's Recent Entries

Feminization Files

by lew897

So, kinda embarrasing to admit but I listened to Lianns breast game mammy whammy. I wasnt all that convinced at first but the accelerator is what got me coming back. Now, Im doing a lot feminization stuff. Its been about three weeks since first starting listening to the original file and now have listened to more, plus subliminals on youtube. The effects have been all over my body. I wouldnt mind there being good subliminals to download but havent searched that much just on youtube which is awesome.


- lew897

Chest is growing, mixed with alot of soreness.

- lew897

Havent been listening as much, but the desire is still there, its kinda obvious that I have grown some weight on my chest but not overt that its obvious its breast. lol.

- lew897

Restarted listening to files on feminization again, because of the Liann Breast Game Mammy Whammy. I don't know what it is, but that file seems to completely push my will aside and go for it. Making any woman a point of reference. Ill be like maybe I can have her size. lol.

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