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New file i made to help with my training and a update on some progress of things

by kaytee

After listening to the file on loop over night i can feel the fuzziness of my fur alot more, My tail is there alot more and i can feel my paws and nose more clearly but the best part of last night is i had a dream with Mistress Mina in it but i couldnt picture her clearly but i knew she was there with me here in the states since me and my parents both was using her name within the dream. I just want it to work more and more as time goes on so i can visualize the beautiful and lovely squirrel that i call my owner. But i have faith that soon i will have the most wonderful dreams of us together despite my frustration that i do have for it not working as well as me and Mistress Mina want it to. But hopefully the new file i made to re-enforce all my training we have done together will move things forward and take it all to a new level so i can be the best kitty that i can be for her.


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