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PaperWeight's Recent Entries

My first day!

by PaperWeight

So it ends. I've made a new friend and popped in the chatrooms. You all seem absolutely lovely! Very friendly and welcoming. Thank you all. I think I'll definitely be back! I've perused through the free files and I've downloaded a few to help induct me, hopefully, aswell as a few to have some fun with. I've downloaded 'Always Barbie', Another Living Doll', 'Be a Slut', 'Beneath the Hemline' (Which I shall probably listen to at MMA...) and a few others. I'll give them a good thrashing tomorrow, me thinks. Anyway, off out with the boyfriend! Byes. Sam xxx


- mutatedbunnyboy

Sounds like a nice selection, I hope the decent into sexual depravity is a thrilling one. You should check out Izatga88 journal its quite a read and follows the same interests. Enjoy :)

- gregi696

Just a head's up, watch out with some of those permanent files. They can have life changing effects. Unless of course, that is what you are going for. ;)

- darkenedav

will be delicious to hear and see the results ;) lol

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