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PaperWeight's Recent Entries

Let's get going!

by PaperWeight

So I spent the majority of today and yesterday sunbathing. Like any dedicated hypnofetishist, I decided to work on my self trancing abilities. With the help of a few friends, some audio files, some free time to relax and a few web sites, I've managed to get trancing myself down to a tee. I've learned that, with most files on here, I need an induction and awakening file to bring me under, then back up. Maybe that's where I've gone wrong all these months? After a bit of practice today of just bringing myself in and out, I thought I'd try some of the audio files from here. The first one I gave a go was 'Always Barbie.' I wasn't feeling this one, unfortunately. The poor sound quality and crackly music in the background was off putting. I then tried 'Another Living Doll.' I think it was made by the same guy, since the quality was fairly poor plus his voice's pitch went up and down all the time and sounded unnervingly unnatural. I left 'Be a Slut' for when I go to MMA tomorrow. I had a quick listen to that. It's some kind of loopable track, but it's good quality and I think I'll use it quite regularly. I intend on going to MMA atleast 4 times this week and I use my iPod for about an hour a session, so that's 4 hours of mental training. Does anyone think that's going to be enough or should increase/decrease it? Finally, I tried 'Beneath the Hemline' when I was done with sunbathing. After my flatmate went out, I got dressed up and grabbed a 2p coin, as it requested. Annoyingly, I think it was done by the same guy as the first two, and I immediately got put off by his voice. Ohh well. The final filed I tried was 'Breast Growth Masturbation.' Due to my incredible insecurity about my breasts, I thought this might be a good file for me. I liked this one, it seems. NO issues there, although the robotic voice was a little bizarre. I listened to the beginning, to see if there was anything I needed before hand, and went in search of the recommended files. With all the things in place, I listened through all of it 2/3 times. I think I'll be starting to masturbate more often now thanks to this file. I never normally undertake such past times, but hey-ho, bigger boobs right? I gave playing with myself a go afterwards and the results were inconclusive due to it being such a warm day. I felt warm all over, but yeah. It definitely has made me want to listen to it a few more times though. I wonder if there's any other MammyWhammy files like that... Sam xxx


- darkenedav

told ya so ;) btw recommend you try kharon files to :P {esp brainwashing machine} :)

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