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kaytee's Recent Entries

[My thoughts on dreams]

by kaytee

[ I have been trying to give kaytee the dreams she wants to have but for some reason im having trouble with giving them to her. i have come close a few times but just can't move them forward more than i have so far. and now kaytee is not speaking to me today but i know she will stop being mad at me soon. but until then i will still be there and protect her like i always do. I am sorry Mistress Mina that im having trouble doing what you want me to with kaytee
Kaytee's SC{MM}


- starchildskiss78

I am sure she will not be mad for long. You have her best interests at heart, after all! Hopefully given time and practice you will be able to get those dreams of your Mistress to come easily and when you want them to.

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