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starchildskiss78's Recent Entries

Day Four

by starchildskiss78

I didn't get much sleep last night. My sleep apnea caused me to be very tired. I was glas my day was going t o be shorter (it still felt too long tho) and couldn't wait to be home so i could listen to my files and talk to Mistress.

Mistress instilled in me the need to meow after each sentence in the chat rooms and in pm with her. I was very happy because it brings out the kitty in me even more. Everyone in the main chat room was very receptive but another chat room was a problem. One of the visitors in the room took offense that he said "hi (person) meow" and they said their name "is (person) not (person) meow". Kitty explained he is compelled to do so by his Mistress. Mistress had a chat with one of main ppl in the room and has determined that not only was she insulted but her Mistress as well. Kitty is no longer to go in that room.

This created quite the discussion in the main room and kitty just wanted to hide somewhere. He felt like he embarrassed his Mistress. Mistress assured him that he did not do anything wrong and he felt better.

Kitty has been listening to the files almost non-stop for over five hours now and is loving the change it has in him. It seems he is talking in third person now which is an interesting development. (He thinks his sc is very submissive in a bdsm style almost gorean way...only explanation he can think of...)


- starchildskiss78

*hugs Mistress Squirrel* Thank you so much for your very kind words! I will definitely continue to explore my kittiness and not let anyone else stop me! *meow*

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