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starchildskiss78's Recent Entries

Day (Lucky) Seven

by starchildskiss78

kitty will get the mundane out of the way first! kitty had a pleasant night's sleep (aware of waking maybe once or twice but right back to sleep) and no acid reflux bothering. Had a pretty quick and painless time at work (only 5 hours).

kitty put on his files and let Mistress' words wash over him. he got to listen for a couple hours before having to get offline for errands and supper.

kitty got back online as quick as he could. Mistress was busy at the time, but kitty enjoyed time with friends and waited patiently. Mistress gave kitty new commands (and a new trigger) when she got back.

Mistress triggered kitty to be happy and blank. She enlisted others in the room to emote him and every time he was he become more blank...more happy. kitty was aware ppl where in the room but only those interacting with him. Felt so good to obey and so good to be her little blank slate.

When Mistress brought kitty back he felt so good about the experience and was excited about what wonderful things he can do for her next. (kitty knows he would let Mistress do anything!)

*purrs* starkitty{KK}


- thinkofallison

Glad your reflux was better :)

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