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Rarity Transformation - Day 4

by RarityBestPony

Hello everypony! I had another session with Damarus today, and it just felt so great. He made me into Rarity even more, and he made my body so much more vivid. He made my body grow stronger with every day as well. I can feel my pony body vividly, just can't see it yet. But I'm starting to see my body changing, the hairs on my arm used to be black, but they're turning white. Most of them are white already and looking at them makes me feel so extremely good. I can't wait for my whole body to look like Rarity's body. I went swimming earlier today as well, and it just felt so amazing, the water on my fur. When I got out of the water, my mane, tail and fur just felt so great, being a bit heavier and wet. All of the progress I make just makes me feel better, and the better I feel the more progress I make. And I just feel so extremely good talking to Damarus as well. I just love talking to him more and more every day. Just thinking about it makes me feel so good. That's it for today everypony, thanks for reading my journal! Love, Rarity ^^


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