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starchildskiss78's Recent Entries

sparkly 2

by starchildskiss78

It's funny that everytime kitty does an entry about something amazing happening something even MORE amazing happens? This all happened in Mistress' room #bimbo-bar (she also has a room called #meowingtavern). kitty was teasing Lady Mina that she should become a bimbo too. Mistress (and Lady Mina) did kitty's zap trigger! Then Mistress triggered kitty to be a bimbo!

kitty easily slipped into girl mode (5'9", 125#, 36EE titties, 23 in waste, and 35 inch hips...nice bubble butt....blonde hair with pink highlights...hazel eyes...nice light tan for those curious what kitty sees herself as in this mode) and danced in the room. One of the patrons of the room slipped in pm and was wondering what he could get with all the 20's he had! *giggles* Then kitty had fun with all the other love girls and bimbos in the room and was getting quite worked up! kitty can't wait for more adventures!

starkitty{KK} (or bimbokitty{KK} when tranced!)


- mystic-wolf

D'awww star i missed a really sexy event happening, also you sound like an adorable bimbo. =3 ~Somekindofanimal

- starchildskiss78

You definitely did! You need to hang out in the room more often! :)

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