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starchildskiss78's Recent Entries


by starchildskiss78

kitty's time at the job prospect went well. After he got home he decided to concentrate on his comic. Mistress triggered him into being a bimbo and it made things interesting!

bimbo was so hot she stripped out of her clothes. kitty's sc kept her focused enough to color the comic. (bimbo enjoyed that so much!) bimbo seemed even dumber than she was before (probably b/c of the mind dripping from earlier!) The conversation turned to sex (the bimbo's favorite subject). Mistress plugged both of bimbo's holes and made it so the more the plugs shot in and out the more she reverted to text speech. Mistress reverted her back to normal a little after as it was time for dinner. kitty enjoyed his chance to be a bimbo again!



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