RarityBestPony's Recent EntriesRarity Transformation - Day 11by RarityBestPonyWhy hello everypony!
I've been making some fan-tas-tic progress with Master, To further develop my lovely personality, we watched a few episodes of MLP, The result is a great success. By watching the episodes I've become me so much more, and I just enjoy it so much! I just cannot wait to work on it even more with Master, so I feel even better. I just want to reach perfection! Master gave me a few new triggers as well, but I think it's best to keep those a secret~
I can just feel my amazing purple curly hair, and my sensitive powerful horn on my forehead, and my muzzle just feels so amazing~
My sleek white arms feel nice And furry as well, and then there's my chest :3
Then there's my private parts, which I won't describe here (yet :3). My tail is just as curly as the wind and just feels so amazing. And then there's my amazing hooves, clean and fantastic.
I think that's it everypony, until my next journal!