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Spiked's Recent Entries

Quit Smoking Today...

by Spiked

Well..thats it...I have decided that after 14 years...I am going to make a attemp to quit smoking..I know that is easy to say.However..doing it is going to be harder...I seen there is a file on quitting..and it interests me...Maybe if I listen to it every night..I will become to hate smoking..and think of smoking as a sick and disgusting habbit...Hmmm...Well..I had a pack..and there was three left in it..and I swore that was all...Guess what..I sit here with a smoke hanging out of my mouth now...~shakes head~ I will quit...I want it..I know it will make me feel better in the long run...not to mention the money I will save...Hey...If there is anyone reading this..and you are quitting by chance...Get ahold of me..lets chat...Be quitting partners..and do this together...Gonna need all the help I can get..as smoking calms me..and keeps the anxity attacks away..What am I going to do with them now? Hmmm...Maybe there is a calming file...well..time to go look...thanks for reading...talk to you in tommorows entry.....Ta taaa......


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