RarityBestPony's Recent EntriesRarity Transformation - Day 15by RarityBestPonyGood evening everypony!
I'm doing simply smashing, I've made such an improvement, both on my beautiful pony body and on my pony mind. It's becoming harder and harder not to say things like darling, dear, hit the hay, everypony. It's just that every time that I say a word like that something just clicks and makes me feel so good. I've been becoming more and more submissive for Master as well, something that makes me feel so extremely fabulous. Just talking to Master makes me feel extremely good, and I just can't help but smile while talking to Master. I've noticed that I can see my skin getting whiter and whiter, earlier today I looked at my front hooves and they were so white.
I think that's about it everypony, if anypony has a question for me, feel free to PM me!
Hugs and kisses, Rarity