arcanecandycane's Recent EntriesDAY 3 - Seeing a tistby arcanecandycaneKind'f. Only though Skype. If you're skeptic about chat hypno sessions I think they're effective to certain extents. Just be open about it. Gonna get to phase 2 in a while.
Today made me realize that I do want to become a jock. I want to like sports, have a jock attitude towards, overflow with confidence, and look like a meathead. Yeah. Could be the effects of the TTJ files but I don't mind. Had great workouts all week long. Was confident enough to enter the sauna this time. Yeahup. Was pretty shy and insecure usually, but this time I just went for it. Taking my shirt off in public was also hard for me, but now, yeah I just can't care anymore.