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Rarity Transformation - Day 28

by RarityBestPony

Welcome back to my journal everypony~ :3 Master asked me to write a few things down for him, so I'll put that in this journal. So far, the transformation has been really fun for me, I love every aspect of the transformation, both physically and mentally. My mind had been shaping more and more into Rarity, and I can feel my body becoming more and more ponylike every day. The phantoms used to be faint, but they feel much more solid, I can't pass my hand through my muzzle for example, no matter how hard I try. The moments I feel most like me, is the moments I spend with Master. When I'm with him I feel so great and happy, and my phantoms are just so strong. The pros to this transformation are amazing, for example the usage of magic. I can use my horn for simple things, for example make myself fall asleep instantly, make myself more submissive, when I feel pain make it go away. It also gave me a better sense of fashion, as I think more about how things would fit together and which items of clothing fit better. Now, I've covered the pros, but what are the cons you might think? Well, none really. I can't think of a single reason why I wouldn't like this. It just feels so incredible. It's not just being with Master that makes my phantom and personality really strong, it's being in bed as well. When I'm curled up under a blanket, I just feel so good and at peace. I feel like I need to get better with my vocabulary though, as I feel like I'm repeating some things a lot, maybe too much. Thinks like dear, darling etc. Well, that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed reading it and as always feel free to leave a comment or PM me ^^


- starchildskiss78

It's so wonderful that you're enjoying this! You are truly a wonderful pony and this kitty is happy to be your friend! :)


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