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kaytee's Recent Entries

Some thoughts on some things

by kaytee

i just want to get somethings off my mind about a few things well it seems that i finally able to get the dreams of lady mina. which i do love since it was my birthday present from her. i have had two dreams so far one im not going to disclose but the other one i will and it was about
i was in a court room with some criminals that was getting sentence but i was a little girl and when one of the guys got sentenced they pulled out a gun shoots the judge and i almost get shot i start to run and im being chased by them and here comes this female squirrel this is the part that makes it weird she does like a crash badicoot spin attack and whacks them with her tail a few times then grabs my hand and runs with me to a parking garage and we get in this van and drive off
But this isn't the best part of it all. i saw her so vividly and she was exactly how i picture her in my mind. i just wish i had them like this when i was still her pet. but i would give up the dreams in a minute if it meant i could be her pet again but i know her life has changed and can't allow that to happen so hopefully i can still have these dreams more often since i do still love her so much and nothing in the world will ever change that.


- mystic-wolf

See it from the positive side kaytee you'll always carry the gifts she left you, being negative doesn't help. Just trying to help, sorry if i hit a sensitive point.

- starchildskiss78


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